Internal communication
These days companies are spending more time and money on improving internal communication. This is the communication that takes place inside an organization. Communication will be downwards (from managers to junior staff), upwards (from staff to managers) and across (between staff), as well as between individuals and groups of people.
There are various channels which can be used. These can be divided into five main areas:
1. Print: paper-based communication, e.g. magazines, newspapers, newsletters, letters, notes and messages.
2. Face to face: direct contact with other people, e.g. one-to-one meetings, team meetings, forums, conferences, briefings.
3. Workplace: physical objects in the working environment or workspace, e.g. notice boards, signs.
4. Electronic: communication using computers, phones, televisions, etc., e.g. DVD, email, voicemail, SMS messages, electronic newsletters, conference calls.
5. Company intranet: using social media to create an internal community, e.g. posting profiles, writing blogs and wikis, starting discussion forums, etc.
Many leaders write internal blogs. Employees may join chat rooms, forums, or message boards to post ideas and comments or upload images and discuss with other employees around the world. They may also be able to download information from the intranet. Improvements in communication lead to better-informed, happier and more motivated
employees, who will become more loyal to their company.
Exercise 1
Find in the text above English equivalents of these words or phrases:
1. wewnątrz
2. załoga (pracownicy)
3. kanał
4. obszar
5. bezpośredni
6. przedmiot
7. poczta głosowa
8. społeczność
9. komentarz
10. ściągać (pliki z internet)
Exercise 2
Use the words from the two boxes to make collocations:
chat / conference / discussion / internal / main / message / motivated / team / notice / social
area / board (x2) / call / communication / employees / forum / meeting / media / room
1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________
4. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________
6. ___________________________________
7. ___________________________________
8. ___________________________________
9. ___________________________________
10. ___________________________________
I know English idioms!
This lesson’s subject is communication, especially company internal communication. Let’s learn a few idioms from this area of the language:
1) I’m looking for a job. Please drop me a line if you hear of any good opportunities!
This means – “contact me”, by phone or email.
2) Keep me posted on your plans for this weekend – maybe we can meet up.
The person here wants to say “inform me of the most current information”.
3) Stop beating about the bush and just tell me what really happened.
Which can be understood as “trying to avoid answering a question or not talking directly about a particular issue”.
Phrasal, phrasals…
Also in the area of phrasal verbs, there are some connected with communication. For example:
1) She pointed out that she already had two years’ experience in the company. Which can be understood as “zaznaczyła, że(…)”
2) But Vanessa didn’t have a chance to answer the question because another colleague butted in. To butt in means to suddenly interrupt a conversation (przerwać, wtrącić się).
Grammar corner…
Let’s study the first sentence of our reading text:
These days companies are spending more time and money on improving internal communication.
The sentence uses present continuous tense because it talks about a trend that is happening around the time of speaking. More examples? Here they are:
- Fuel prices are rising constantly because of strong demand.
- On-line shopping is growing rapidly nowadays.
internal – wewnętrzny
to improve – poprawi(a)ć
to take place – mieć miejsce
inside – wewnątrz
downwards – ku dołowi
upwards – ku górze
across – w poprzek
staff – pracownicy, załoga
various – różnorodny
channel – kanał
to be divided into – dzielić się na
print – druk
based – oparty na czymś
newsletter – biuletyn
note – notatka
face to face – twarzą w twarz
direct – bezpośredni
briefing – odprawa, instruktaż
workplace – miejsce pracy
object – przedmiot
environment – środowisko
workspace – obszar roboczy
notice board – tablica ogłoszeń
sign – znak, oznaczenie
voicemail – poczta głosowa
community – społeczność
to join – przyłączyć się
message board – tablica ogłoszeń (w Internecie) / forum
to upload – wysyłać
1. inside
2. staff
3. channel
4. area
5. direct
6. object
7. voicemail
8. community
9. comment
10. to download
Ex. 2
1. internal communication
2. main area
3. team meeting
4. notice board
5. conference call
6. social media
7. discussion forum
8. chat room
9. message board
10. motivated employees